FieldCheck | Best merchandising tasks for your fieldwork

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How can FieldCheck
your merchandising tasks?

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Learn more about what our application has to offer below

Delve further into valuable merchandising data while remaining transparent

Advertisement Agency Use Case

Retail audit using our mobile tools make communication between agency and brand transparent, in additional to ease the store check tasks.

Auditor checks in at store location

1. Auditor checks in at store location

Auditor takes photos of merchandise at shop front

2. Auditor takes photos of merchandise at shop front

Auditor adds memos and comments to tasks to be executed

3. Auditor adds memos and comments to tasks to be executed

Photos and memos collected are viewed in admin timeline or with detailed filtering

4. Photos and memos collected are viewed in admin timeline or with detailed filtering

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Photo Collection

A photo has the ability to speak volumes. Manage your photos with location information and manage their statuses.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools


Merchandisers will have mobile checklists available to them to input evaluations more quickly. The information is also accessible on the admin screen in real-time.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools


Managing photos with corresponding store information enables better insight to the stores’ statuses and before / after actions.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Route Planning

Your merchandising team is given a list of stores / offices to visit, making your business plan work more effectively.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Admin Tools

All-in-one admin tools help make your field work transparent and improve your PDCA.

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