How can FieldCheck
your employee attendance?

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Learn more about what our application has to offer below

Simplify the attendance process with paperless application method.

1. Staff requests a time off via mobile application

1. Staff requests a time off via mobile application

2. A line manager receives the request to approve / reject online, looking at their past records

2. A line manager receives the request to approve / reject online, looking at their past records

3. The summary of the time off request are viewable from the administrator systems

3. The summary of the time off request are viewable from the administrator systems

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Attendance request

Staff to request time off via the mobile application to avoid the spreadsheet management

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Day off approval

Line manager get notified for their request to approve / reject with reference to the past records.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Data analysis

Summary information viewable from the administrator systems real-time.

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