FieldCheck | Best promoter management for your fieldwork

FMCG Company Use Case

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How can FieldCheck
your promoter management?

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Learn more about what our application has to offer below

Change the way your promoters work for the better

FMCG Company Use Case

Automate manual-based data collection form promoters using our tool, which helps better execution at stores and transparent communication and incentive scheme.

Promoter checks in at store location

1. Promoter checks in at store location

Promoter adds and submits sell-out numbers

2. Promoter adds and submits sell-out numbers

Promoter conducts mini-surveys with store visitors

3. Promoter conducts mini-surveys with store visitors

Sales and staff performances are updated in real-time to admin tools

4.Sales and staff performances are updated in real-time to admin tools

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Promoter Productivity

Have the ability to communicate necessary information with promoters via news and chat features to maximize resources at the store-front.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools


Promoters’ pen and paper operations will be replaced by an easy-to-use mobile application for more speedy market understanding.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Real-time Feedback

Utilize promoters in collecting the voices of consumers by using the survey feature so that marketers will understand campaign effectiveness in real-time.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Attendance Management

Promoter attendance along with their day-off requests are managed online.

FieldCheck - Mobile Field Management Tools

Admin Tools

All-in-one admin tools help make your field work transparent and improve your PDCA.

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