FieldCheck | Sales Management

Food & Beverage Company Use Case

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Trade marketing is today considered one of the most effective tools to boost retailers’ revenue. Today, many firms are using PG and PB staff to promote their goods and brands. In this report, we'll find out:

digitize promoter management


  • Some current issues in the management of promoters in the Vietnam market, including: no consistent standards in the management; time management during management procedures is poor; no visual analysis statistics.
  • In response to the current challenges in PG PB management, SaaS developers also grasp the needs and trends in the market to make relevant and suitable products. So what digital solutions can facilitate the PG management process?
  • Managers tend to use software applications for management: With the desire to simplify processes and optimize time and human resources, leaders have turned to digital solutions such as mobile technology—also considered as one of the growing trends in Vietnam.

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