In the digital age, businesses have introduced digital transformation in their operating activities to save time and costs and manage operating activities more effectively. The process of digitizing archives is the first and most important step in the digital transformation process.

Digitizing documents helps businesses:

  • Free up space for traditional document storage.
  • Reduce costs of premises, personnel, operation, and business management.
  • Save time and improve employee productivity.
  • Convenient, unlimited in time and space.

So how does the document digitization process happen? Where should businesses start to maximize the digitization process? Our today's article aims to help you get a better understanding of digital transformation.
Are you eager to know? Let's get the ball rolling?

Document Digitization Process - The Best Solution, Data Security 2022

FieldCheck - The leading app to support document digitization for businesses

What is Document Digitization?

The document digitization process is optimal for helping businesses manage, retrieve, secure, and share data effectively. This approach provides a secure way to store documents.
Simultaneously, it helps save the maximum cost of storage, handling, rental of premises, staff, and time to search for information when needed.

Document Digitization Process

Digitization reduces paperwork

The digitization of paper documents can be stored and used on computers, phones, or digital platforms. Digitizing documents helps you edit, search and manage information easily with just a few simple steps.

Why Do Businesses Need To Conduct Document Digitization?

You might not know, but digitizing documents is necessary to help businesses develop sustainably. Digitization is a pre-primary step to help businesses build a comprehensive digital transformation process faster.
On top of that, digitization could help businesses cut the cost of handling paper-based documents, saving time and operating costs. Accordingly, entrepreneurs could better take advantage of their time to focus on other, more critical things.
Here are some of the benefits of digitization of documents:

#1. Low Processing Cost

The earlier digitization of documents, the lower data processing costs. Data is transformed into easier formats, helping cut the data handling and storage cost.
When you need to process large amounts of complicated data, all you need to do is hand it over to a service provider. The vendor's intelligent search algorithms and document digitization software make data processing easy.
The tech-based process of processing data helps save people's resources, finance, and time for businesses. Your responsibility is to find a suitable and optimal tool that finds all relevant data with one query.

Document Digitization Process

Digitizing documents on mobile phones helps you optimize operating and management costs

#2. Reduce Operating, Personnel and Management Costs for Businesses

The main feature of the document digitization process is to help businesses save costs and easily manage data, thereby improving work efficiency. The sooner the digitization, the greater the cost savings.
When every document turns into digital form, you could rest assured that it could not be damaged by temperature, water, and other external factors. Whenever you want to look at the material, all you need to do is access the folder and click to open it.

#3. Save Time Handling Daily Paperwork

Digital documents let you get desired content easily with a few simple clicks, saving much time in searching around. Additionally, when the document is stored under the digital form, you could edit it directly on the soft file.
On top of that, you could handle digital data much easier than processing paper-based data. It is also effortless to input the figures of the digital materials to get the insights. Now you will not need to worry about getting stuck in a bunch of paper, paper, and paper.

Document Digitization Process

Digitizing documents eases the stress of handling paper-based data

#4. Free Up Physical Document Storage Space

Unlike the traditional document storage process, you will take up a large space to store files, papers, and books. Not only is this approach costly, but it also puts the document at risk of mold, termites, and damage.
The document digitization process helps maximize data security. It eliminates the risk of documents being stolen or damaged by physical impact.
In particular, document digitization also helps you save storage space rental costs and no cost to hire warehouse staff. At the same time, it is easy to manage employee work right on mobile devices.

Document Digitization Process - The Best Solution, Data Security 2022

Easily manage employee work with just a few simple steps

#5. Improve Employee Productivity and Working Time

In the past, searching for traditional documents took a long time and was prone to errors. When digitizing documents, the search time is shortened to only a few seconds.
Your employees can search for more than one piece of information at once by phone or computer. This helps to improve work efficiency. Your employees could use the time to study, research the market, and improve their skills to help the business grow.

#6. Cloud-Based Document Storage

The document digitization process helps data be stored and extracted in the cloud. You could receive and use data anywhere through your phone or computer with an Internet connection.
The information exchange will be optimized when the data is stored on the cloud application. You could share, request editing, provide access rights, and assign tasks to employees through a few taps on the device.
Document handling is easy without taking up space on electronic devices.

Document Digitization Process

Cloud-based document storage

Objectives When Applying Digitization of Process Documents

When applying the document digitization process, businesses often have the following goals.

#1. Digitize Documents for Better Data Use

After successful digitization, all enterprise data will be uploaded to the common management system, making document management simple and convenient and limiting the number of paper documents to be stored.

Users could use digitized documents anytime, anywhere, without limitation of time and space. It is also available to even perform multiple operations on one electronic device simultaneously.

#2. Extend The Life of Documents

With paper documents and CDs, the quality of archives decreases over time. Even documents are at high risk of being damaged due to mold, termites, fire, loss, damage, ... due to carelessness during use.

Document digitization solutions are optimal to prolong the life of data. It persists over time, even when electronic equipment fails or breaks. Even businesses could recover data easily if they accidentally perform the wrong operation.

With the document digitization process, you could store information for as long as possible. At the same time, it is very easy to recover and manipulate data.

Document Digitization Process

Digitizing documents extends the life of data

#3. Logical Arrangement of Storage Types

Digitized documents will be organized logically so that you could integrate many documents on the same file, such as text, images, audio, video, etc. And it is also available to name them according to the content for easy search. Documents are stored on a device for the convenience of the user.

#4. Save Time and Money

Digitizing documents saves time and costs for businesses. The search process is made easy with a few taps. In addition, it also helps businesses save paper and minimize the cost of hiring staff and management space.

Document Digitization with Technology

Currently, FieldCheck is the leading document digitization application trusted by businesses. With the motto of helping businesses reduce paperwork, FieldCheck integrates a feature to help collect data right on mobile devices.
Users could use their phones and enter the information to be collected according to the questionnaire assigned on the application.

Document Digitization Process

Collecting data is easy with tech-based FieldCheck solution

As a result, collecting information such as reviews or customer data is done faster and easier. As soon as the phone user enters the necessary information on the phone, the system will immediately record and store it scientifically.
You could access the information collected on FieldCheck's Admin tool anytime and anywhere. Besides, the platform also allows you to download the document files that have been compiled on the system as Excel files to your computer for storage. This approach allows you to easily check digital documents without worrying about document loss or damage risks.

With FieldCheck, document management is simpler than ever. Business owners can control all information about orders, sales, employees, record inventory, profits, and incentives for agents, to name a few, just by a few taps on a mobile phone.

All information and data about the business are confidential. At the same time, it helps you to optimize the management process clearly and effectively without developing a strong IT team in the internal system.

If you need to digitize documents for your business on FieldCheck, please book an appointment here for a free demo experience!

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