chain store management

Every retailer aspires to grow and expand. But running operations in multiple stores is a big obstacle.

Managing frontline staff, quality and consistency among stores is not an easy task.

To take on the likes of competitors or remain competitive in the digital era, store managers need to adapt and utilize data to execute their strategic plans successfully.

Handling operations manually will not be enough. FieldCheck gets your back to help manage your stores’ operating activities anytime anywhere.

How FieldCheck works for chain store management

FieldCheck is a one-stop mobile solution that can digitize manual checklists and turn them into real-time insights. 

chain store management


With our tech-backed solution, it is easy to verify visitations as they happen through geo-location technology and live photos.

chain store management

You can promptly report incidents and monitor follow-ups until these annoying issues are resolved.

chain store management

In case there is no internet connection, FieldCheck works both online and offline. So there is no way to miss important information.

chain store management

The management also has access to data-driven insights and sees what is happening in the store chain in real-time without directly visiting the stores.

chain store management

In case you want to share task reports to stakeholders, FieldCheck's PDF report is what you need.

chain store management

Manage your store operations anytime anywhere with FieldCheck



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