implement the best retail audit

Do you fly blind in-store operations? Let's give retail audits a go.

A comprehensive retail audit lets your brand collect on-the-ground data from stores. Accordingly, you can promptly know on-going barriers to growth and launch viable strategies to handle these barriers.

Traditionally, store audits were executed by a supervisor and done with an old handy-dandy way of paper and pen. This method is quite time-consuming and inefficient; not to mention, a huge drain on your resources.

Gratefully, the development of technology has paved the way for your brands to get more efficient and accurate retail data with digital retail audit.

Pain points in conventional retail audits

Traditionally, businesses use paper and pen for their retail auditing, presenting a bunch of avoidable challenges:

  • Damaging or losing paper
  • Delayed data transmission from on-site employees to decision-makers
  • Human errors risk

These drawbacks in retail audit make it challenging for businesses to replenish orders, handle compliance issues and visual merchandising strategies.

How technology erases above challenges

Let's see how FieldCheck digitizes the retail audit flow.

Based on the criteria as planned, the admin creates digital checklists with FieldCheck on web-based tool, turning all paper-based checklists into digital. No more paper checklists.

implement the best retail audit

Next, the admin assigns the audit task to persons in charge right via the tool without sending emails by other software.

implement the best retail audit

Those who receive the task on their mobile phone conduct the scoring and auditing at assigned locations.

implement the best retail audit

After the task is submitted, data will be uploaded in real-time for analysis and later actions. So the management could access essential information easily and make proper data-driven decisions.

implement the best retail audit

Should you want to digitize your retail auditing process, contact us



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