Keeping a daily log is critical for businesses to understand staff performance. Thus, employee attendance management software is a must-have tool for all businesses. This tool is useful for small and large businesses to record staff attendance.

Adopting attendance tracking software also enables sharing of information between departments to be simplified. It is important to use monitoring software for daily recording of staff's dedication to their jobs and working hours. 

The advantages of employee attendance monitoring software also include time tracking via online apps, managing schedules, working hours, shifts, and so on.

Below is a list of the top attendance tracking software we recommend.

Top 6 Time And Attendance Management Software 

1. FieldCheck 

FieldCheck supports time and attendance management using the all-in-one app and Admin tools.

This solution can operate in parallel without affecting other systems such as IAP, DMS, ... available to the enterprise. Below are the features that might help your businesses manage your employee's attendance.

fieldcheck software

FieldCheck software

1.1. Manage Check-In/Check-Out on Mobile Phone

FieldCheck time attendance software gives employees more flexibility in daily check-in/check-out. At the same time, it helps managers capture details of employees' actions without worrying about being limited in time and place.

With FieldCheck, employees can apply for leave, be late, and leave early on the system. Managers quickly capture information and approve and arrange replacement personnel on mobile phones.

1.2. Remote Employee Control, Anti-Fraud

FieldCheck stores time and attendance data automatically on the system in real time. It can automatically record, compile, process data, and update it on the system. Managers can track remotely anytime and anywhere.

Employees can use the app to check in/out in different locations without messaging the managers. As soon as they submit their attendance reports, the system will record real time, ensuring the reliability of the data.

Accordingly, you can rest assured about preventing fraud behaviors in employees' working days.

1.3. Automated Time And Attendance Summary

FieldCheck time and attendance software can record the employees' activities of check-in/check-out. Accordingly, the solution can provide the analyses of these figures, providing a summary of employee attendance. 

This tool helps the human resources department save and optimize the time to input and process the data. At the same time, it is optimal to avoid basic errors that may occur during data entry.

quản lý chấm công bằng fieldcheck

Optimizing data extraction, import, and synthesis time

1.4. Employee Incentive Calculation

Among the top favorite online attendance management systems, FieldCheck is highly appreciated by customers for its automated incentive calculation feature. The software supports incentive management for employees based on the pre-set discount rate.

The application offers many choices for calculating incentives according to business, orders, and sales, to name a few. The data is updated automatically, accurately, and in detail. Managers do not need to enter Excel and use complex calculation formulas.

quản lý hoa hồng bằng FieldCheck

Complicated incentive calculation for employees

1.5. Flexible Access

The application allows employees and managers to access Internet-connected mobile devices.

The access process is not limited in time and space, helping employees to respond to errors in attendance actively. Supervisors and managers can capture information and solve the incidents (if they occur) quickly.

2. Wise Eyes Time Attendance Software

It is an application that combines timekeeping with software that is widely applied in Vietnam. This attendance tracking software for small businesses has not been integrated with online timekeeping.

In terms of advantages, Wise Eyes time attendance software can run well on Ronald Jack software. Besides, Wise Eyes also supports use on the Windows platform.

In particular, this software integrates the ability to time attendance by face and track employee reports quickly.

phần mềm wise eyes

Wise Eyes supports use on the Windows platform

3. Mitaco Attendance Software

Mitaco is a software commonly used for the old version of the timekeeper. In terms of features, Mitaco is quite similar to Wise Eyes. During use, you will feel like you are using the Clone version of Wise Eyes.

Mitaco is in the group of free time attendance and payroll software at the early stage. The advantage of the software is that it runs stably and reads data quickly on the old version of the timekeeper.

Yet, the new version of Mitaco often generates errors and is difficult to synchronize when using.

phần mềm mitaco

Mitaco is quite stable and reads data fast on old version timekeepers

4. Paradise 

Paradise is a free time and attendance management software. It is flexible in calculating employees' annual leave days, in addition to automatically calculating the remaining leave days for employees.

One of the typical features of the above solution is that it also allows automatic calculation of extra days of leave when that employee reaches a certain working time condition. For example, for every five years employees work, they will get one additional day of leave/year.

In addition, the software also automatically saves the employee's leave date for a more accurate assessment at the end of the year.

phần mềm sunbeam paradise


5. Ronald Jack Pro 

HR professionals can use the Ronald Jack Pro employee attendance monitoring system on the Internet without opening the port. The application adapts and connects to all the market's popular time and attendance software.

The outstanding advantage of Ronald Jack Pro is that it can provide many types of charts for Excel spreadsheets. Human resource management can customize the spreadsheet according to the requirements of each business.

Besides, the software also owns some other outstanding features such as:

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Automatic statistics of each employee's shift
  • Users can combine it with both time attendance and access control systems
  • Optimizing information security

phần mềm chấm công ronald jack pro

Ronald Jack Pro time attendance software

6. Excel

Employee attendance by Excel is widely used in small and medium enterprises. It is a free application that helps managers update data quickly.

Excel offers various forms, helping managers choose the most suitable form for the business.

Workday management is done on many different sheets, which helps companies save more time managing and scanning data.

The Criteria To Choose A Most Suitable Time Attendance Software

To choose the right time attendance software to help businesses optimize time and costs, you should refer to some of the criteria below.

1. Time Tracking

Effective timekeeping software is often set up to track time automatically. So when choosing software to support your business, you should pay attention to the application that can track time as accurately as possible.

Besides, you should also choose an application that allows reasonable time adjustment. It will help managers accurately track employees' time and attendance.

2. Online Time And Attendance Management Support

Currently, many businesses apply for the Work From Home or Hybrid Work model. Other businesses often have departments of employees who often have to work outside the market. This practice helps online time attendance become a new trend.

Many businesses choose the form of time attendance by app and do not need to use a time attendance machine. The software that supports attendance management by phone and technology helps overcome all disadvantages of traditional methods.

Especially with the flexibility when checking in/checking out, managing vacation days, etc., online helps businesses optimize time and human resources in human resource management.

quản lý check-in bằng FieldCheck

FieldCheck allows employees to check in/check-out online

3. Optimize Communication Between Managers and Employees

Time attendance software integrates online interactive conversations to help managers and employees communicate easily.

The application's notification and warning feature helps employees and managers quickly grasp the operational status of the business. You can come up with the fastest solution for an unexpected problem.

The software's messaging application makes task management easy. Simultaneously, detailed monitoring of all activities on the system via mobile phone.

4. Report Support

Attendance software can usually synthesize, analyze, and extract data into detailed and accurate reports.

This method makes it easier for the HR department to manage workdays and vacation days and calculate employee salaries. At the same time, minimizing basic errors due to incorrect data entry saves time, human resources, and costs for businesses.

5. Record Data To Facilitate Analysis Work

Modern-time attendance software is capable of recording accurate and detailed data. Through automated metric analytics to transform critical information into usable data.

Such as check-in/check-out date and time, the number of users' leave days, salary and bonus, employee incentives, etc.

All metrics are updated in real-time. The software will integrate the right features and give quick and accurate results.

phần mềm chấm công ronald jack pro

Record accurate, detailed data in real-time

6. Offline Mode

One last criterion when choosing time and attendance software is offline availability. It would help if you chose a time attendance software that can work even when the device has no Internet connection. Offline mode keeps your work uninterrupted even when working offline.

FieldCheck is a time and attendance management software that can meet all business management requirements. This technology application helps businesses save time and costs to operate better.

Especially, the software can operate independently even when the enterprise already has IAP and AMS without affecting the operation of the main system.

We are proud to accompany many businesses in their digital transformation journey, helping them optimize their work management process through technology, including time and attendance management.

If you are interested in our service, don't hesitate to contact us here to get a free demo.


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